What to Do If You’ve Found a Lost PAN Card

Introduction : Finding a PAN (Permanent Account Number) card that doesn’t belong to you might seem like a minor issue, but the PAN card is a sensitive document that can be misused if it falls into the wrong hands. A PAN card contains crucial personal and financial information, and the loss of such a document can lead to potential identity theft or fraud. If you’ve found a PAN card, here are the steps you should take to ensure it’s returned to its rightful owner or handled appropriately.

What to Do If You’ve Found a Lost PAN Card

Why Returning or Reporting a Found PAN Card Is Important

A PAN card is used for tax-related purposes and financial transactions, making it an essential document for individuals and businesses. Misuse of a PAN card can lead to legal complications for the cardholder, including fraudulent transactions, misuse of identity, or fake bank accounts being opened in their name. That’s why it’s essential to handle a found PAN card responsibly.

Steps to Take When You Find a PAN Card

If you’ve found someone’s PAN card, follow these steps to ensure it’s returned safely or reported to the proper authorities:

  1. Attempt to Contact the Cardholder:

    • The PAN card contains the cardholder’s full name. You can try searching online (through social media or professional platforms like LinkedIn) to locate the person.
    • If you can find contact information, reach out to inform the individual that you’ve found their PAN card and arrange for its return.
  2. Submit to the Nearest Police Station:

    • If you cannot find the owner of the PAN card, take it to the nearest police station and file a report. The police may have records of missing items or will be able to help locate the cardholder.
    • Filing a report also ensures that you have proof of having handed over the PAN card to the authorities.
  3. Contact the Income Tax Department or NSDL:

    • You can report the found PAN card to the Income Tax Department by contacting their helpline.
    • Alternatively, visit the NSDL or UTIITSL website to find helpline numbers. While these organizations do not have a direct process for returning found PAN cards, reporting the matter ensures that the authorities are aware and can take appropriate actions.
  4. Mail the PAN Card to the Address on the Card:

    • In some cases, if you’re unable to find the owner online or through local authorities, you can mail the PAN card to the address mentioned in the official records. This is possible if you’re confident that the address listed on the card is accurate and the person still resides there.
  5. Avoid Keeping the PAN Card:

    • Under no circumstances should you hold onto the found PAN card, as this could be seen as an intent to misuse the information. It’s essential to either return it to the rightful owner or submit it to the authorities as soon as possible.

What Should the PAN Card Owner Do?

If someone loses their PAN card and suspects that someone else may have found it, they should:

  • Report the loss to the nearest police station to prevent misuse.
  • Apply for a duplicate PAN card online via NSDL or UTIITSL.
  • Monitor financial transactions to ensure their PAN is not being misused.

How to Apply for a Duplicate PAN Card

If you lose your PAN card, here’s how you can apply for a duplicate:

  1. Visit the NSDL or UTIITSL Portal:

  2. Fill Out the Online Application:

    • Use the application form for reissuance of a PAN card.
  3. Provide the Necessary Documents:

    • You will need to provide proof of identity, proof of address, and the acknowledgment number of your lost PAN (if available).
  4. Pay the Required Fee:

    • A small fee is applicable for issuing a duplicate PAN card.
  5. Receive the Duplicate PAN Card:

    • After verification, the duplicate PAN card will be dispatched to the registered address.


Finding a lost PAN card means taking quick action to ensure it gets back to its rightful owner. Whether by contacting the owner, reporting it to the authorities, or submitting it to the Income Tax Department, handling a found PAN card responsibly helps prevent potential misuse and ensures legal compliance. If you lose your PAN card, it’s crucial to report it immediately and apply for a duplicate to safeguard your financial information.

If you want to apply PAN card, apply through this link https://idserve.in/

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